Good afternoon everyone. We are getting ready to get started with our web entities webinar - the fire sprinkler presentation by Skip Johnson with Grinnell Fire Protection Solutions. And this is Michelle with Missouri Healthcare. So, thank you for joining us. We have this class for those who need the CEUs. Administrators, this is worth one administrative hour, and we will send that information for you to fill out after the webinar is done. For those who participated and need the CEU, I think that's so. And as Skip is presenting, please, if you have any questions, type those out, and I will be watching that question and sharing those questions with Skip as we go through, so he can answer your questions as we go. I think that's all I've got, Skip. I'm going to go ahead and turn this over to you. Okay. Thank you, Michelle. Well, thank you for having us here for the webinar. I'll get right into it. Livid about myself, I've been doing fire sprinklers since 1989. I started with Grinnell Fire Protection, and many of you have known me as Skip with Simplex Grinnell. And now, the Tyco's gone, and Johnson Controls has bought Tyco. So then it was Johnson Controls fire protection. Since they like the Grinnell brand that is 150 years old, I've come full circle, and now we're just going to be Grinnell again, as far as fire sprinklers are concerned. Our fire alarm and weather suppression departments will be known as Johnson Controls. But as you know me with fire sprinklers, I am just going to be Grinnell fire protection. That being said, my major vertical markets are long-term care, specifically healthcare and long-term care. I'm also a member of one other association, the Hospitality and Hotel Lodging Association...
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Nfpa 25 quarterly inspection Form: What You Should Know
Use of one (1) of the following four templates for this document: Joy Fill with no date; with date, month, and year; or with a blank line through the date for a customized report. New CA ed. fire sprinkler fire alarm NIST 572 standard — Fire Protection System Specify a system must be monitored at all times. Exterior/Interior Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Fire Sprinkler Systems Chapter 15 CA ed. Inspect the sprinklers every 6 months. Annual inspection of system(s). Annual tests required for safety. Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler System California Code of Regulations See additional AES 2.9 form attached. Number of AES 2.9 forms attached. Quarterly Inspections. I = Inspection NFPA 25 CA ed. Reference. NFPA 25 Form — Joy fill The standard 2025 NFPA 25 form template for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems. You can customize, fill online Use of one (1) of the following four templates for this document: Joy Fill with no date; with date, month, and year; or with a blank line through the date for a customized report. New CA ed. fire sprinkler fire alarm NIST 572 standard. Note: Note: You may also download an evaluation version of this document. Use of one (1) of the following four templates for this document: Evaluation. 2.1 Frequency. Frequency of testing. The frequency of testing. Annual inspection of system(s). Fire Sprinkler Systems Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler System California Code of Regulations See additional AES 2.9 forms attached. New CA ed. fire sprinkler fire alarm NIST 572 standard.
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