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Nfpa 25 testing frequencies Form: What You Should Know

Protection System and Fire Response Systems. Dec 1, 2025 — NFPA 75, Standards for Fire Protection and Safety Programs for Residential Buildings, Commercial and 1.2 Scope. This document establishes the minimum requirements for the annual fire protection system inspection and  inspection and test, and the annual test frequency. This document establishes the minimum requirements for each level of  system: NFPA 75 FAQs 20. In many instances, however, maintenance work is required for the same fire protection system over a number of years, e.g.,  The maintenance work might involve repairs of components that had not been replaced and/or modifications to the  fire protection system. See question number 17 at the end of section 20. If no maintenance work is required,  the required annual fire protection system inspection and test (LAST) will not be conducted, or it will be  only conducted by a special unit or inspector assigned to the fire protection system. 20.1 This document does not establish  a minimum inspection frequency. 20.2 A minimum annual fire protection system inspection and  test (IAT) is required only if it is a condition of construction or installation of a fire protection system.  20.3 A minimum annual fire protection system inspection and test (LAST) is required only if you are operating the  fire protection system. 20.4 There is no annual fire protection system inspection and test (IAT) required if you are operating  a fire protection system, even if the component is in good condition. See 20.4.1. 20.1This document does not establish a minimum IAT.  20.2A Minimum IAT shall be a periodic inspection and test conducted by a qualified person.  20.3A Annual test frequency is based on a formula that provides a basis for the periodic  inspection frequency required by APA 75. If you choose not to have a periodic fire protection system  inspection and test (IAT) conducted, as required in APA 75, and your fire protection system is maintained in condition by the  fire protection system, it will be inspected and tested during the first 2 business days, and if there is  no violation of the standards, an approved inspection program will be followed. If you have an approved  inspection program that meets the standards, no inspection and test will be conducted during the  second business day.

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