Thanks to Curiosity Stream for supporting PBS Digital Studios Music. Whoa, what just happened? Let's watch that again. What you're seeing is called flame jetting. It requires a perfect storm of circumstances. Pouring gasoline or some other fuel from a container can shoot out a 10-foot jet of flame. This has happened. People have been seriously burned, and in some cases, they have died. So just to be clear, we at Reactions did not make these videos. They were produced by trained professionals from the ATF at their fire research lab. In other words, we didn't try to make flame jetting happen, and neither should you. Part of the reason flame jetting is so dangerous is that we have certain expectations of how fire normally behaves. Those expectations do not include shooting out of a small container and engulfing a victim ten feet away. The ATF set out to investigate how this happens. How do the flames jump like this? Why doesn't the liquid just burn without jetting? And how do we prevent flame jetting from happening? The good news is, for flame jetting to occur, the circumstances have to be exactly right. First, the bottle needs to have room for air above the fuel. Fuel evaporates into this space and mixes with the air, making a potentially flammable mixture of fuel and oxygen. Second, that mix has to be in balance. If too much fuel evaporates, it crowds out most of the air, and the mixture won't burn. This is the case with fresh gasoline. But older gasoline, gas that's been sitting around for a long time, evaporates much more slowly, so it could burn. Most fuels don't need to be weathered like this. Alcohols, for example, evaporate at just the right rate to produce a flammable mix no matter...
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Nfpa 72 2025 PDF Form: What You Should Know
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